The great divide or a different division...
When I first started my career, I
quickly worked out my place in London. Ambitious and determined, I carefully
navigated my career through the rough seas of the employment market until I arrived
exactly where I wanted to be - in the City.
Within a matter of days, the City
consumed me with its power, speed and energy. I fell in love with white crisp
shirts, cufflinks and patent black shoes.
I have never looked back, until a few days ago, when we had a visit from
outside the City - HMRC.
f there was a stereotype for a
tax man, this man was it. In fact, he very much reminded me of Gru from
Despicable Me, before he turned nice. Tall, thin and menacing, he looked like a
baddie from a cartoon; aggressive, obnoxious and arrogant, he acted like a
baddie too.
There was nothing pleasant or human about him – he acted like a
villain and sounded like a broken record of a bad performer from X-factor.
Having introduced himself and
requested to speak to somebody in charge, he rejected my offer for refreshments
and proceeded to my boss’ office.
I watched them from my desk. My
boss wasn’t the one to be intimidated and promptly requested an ID – it was
produced. Satisfied he leaned back in his Saville Row suit and began listening
to whatever the HMRC representative had to tell him.
I ran Gru over and mentally produced a report:
I ran Gru over and mentally produced a report:
- Age: early to mid 40s.
- Status: married judging from the ring, probably kids.
- Income: around 30k-40k – no more than that.
- Appearance: the suit - Tesco or Primark; the shoes - 2 sizes too big - Shoe Zone or Sainsbury’s.
- Phone: Nokia circa 1995.
- Personality: dull and monotonous.
It turned out that we owed them
less than £1000 which we promptly put on a company credit card and settled it there
and then. It was an unexpected encounter which felt like a bird poo that lands
on your suit on the way to work. I sprayed perfume and brewed us fresh coffee
to get rid of a lingering stench of his presence.
I returned to my desk and got
back to work but the image of a Gru-looking man stayed with me for the rest of
the day. He didn’t belong in the City. Uncomfortable on an unfamiliar
territory, he attacked us with accusations and bad aftershave.
I remembered a blind date I had a
few years back with an adorable civil servant boy. He was educated and
well-spoken but we had nothing in common. He was passionate about environment
and politics, while I was mostly passionate about my bonus and the next LK Bennett
collection. I never saw him again, it would’ve never worked.
I couldn’t help but wonder, in London
and in life, when it comes to ‘us’ and ‘them’, is it a great divide or simply a
different division?
Later than day as I was crossing
London Bridge, I spotted a few seagulls splashing on the river. And suddenly it
dawned on me, seagulls don’t fly with owls, and swans don’t hang out with
ravens – it’s against nature. Birds of feather flock together. It was only
natural that we split London too.
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