A City girl in Shoreditch
A few years ago my diary mainly
consisted of birthday reminders and an occasional party. These days I navigate
between my own errands, the kids’ appointments and school holidays, Mr
Chateauneuf’s travel arrangements and the little matter of my two bosses. Occasionally it gets crowded.
So imagine my delight when I come
across an exciting entry - I almost forgot about - jammed in-between a five way conference call
and a waxing appointment. This is where the adventure begins.
The thing is, my schedule doesn’t
leave any room for adventure and spontaneity. I work in the City, live in South
London and spend most of my weekends in Lincolnshire. My geography is neatly
connected by East Coast, FCC and Southern train lines; my life is run by a tightly
packed diary in my iPhone and a strict routine.
My race against the clock begins
in the morning – shower, getting dressed, hair, make-up and rush out of the
door; I hop on the train where I battle against backlog of texts and emails. A
day in the office features endless reports, meetings, infinite amount of
filing, errands for the two bosses and gallons of tea and coffee. In the
evenings I Skype with the boys; catch up with my friends, writing, laundry, ironing
and whatever else I’m behind on.
So when one evening I turned off
familiar Old Broad Street, aka where the City ends, and found myself trotting
over the cobbled pavements of Shoreditch in my stilettos, I had to double check
my diary to confirm if indeed I was in the correct location - I was. I have
never been there before, but that was where my girlfriend chose to have her hen
A little turn right, just past Liverpool Street station, opened up a completely different world to me. This new world was full of vintage shops, markets and food stalls where the cooking was done mainly on a BBQ or an outdoor chimney type thing. There was graffiti everywhere, hair colours encompassing the whole spectrum of the rainbow and the smell of freshly cooked meat mixed with unmistakable hint of cannabis.
A little turn right, just past Liverpool Street station, opened up a completely different world to me. This new world was full of vintage shops, markets and food stalls where the cooking was done mainly on a BBQ or an outdoor chimney type thing. There was graffiti everywhere, hair colours encompassing the whole spectrum of the rainbow and the smell of freshly cooked meat mixed with unmistakable hint of cannabis.
Even the crowd was different, more
relaxed; people were dressed casually if a little eccentrically. I was
fascinated by the new scene I was on. People in this world seemed friendly and
happy; they were laughing and having fun. Nobody was rushing anywhere, the
concept of a diary, or time for that matter, didn’t seem to exist. Even the air
slowed down and relaxed here.
I, on the other hand, was
hyperventilating - my phone was showing only 20% of battery life and I was
about to lose my connectivity, which at the time felt like losing air supply. My
City outfit was suffocating me and killing my feet.
With my phone barely alive and my
feet throbbing I decided to adopt ‘when in Shoreditch…’ attitude, ordered a
drink at a bar, sat back and almost relaxed. As I was watching a guy wearing a
ripped t-shirt and a brand new pair of green Converse, casually chatting to a
girl next to him, I couldn’t help but wonder, when did my life become so busy?
How did I let a little expensive device to run my life without allowing myself
to actually live? When did I become so City?
My phone died half an hour later
and I spent the last 17% of its life on taking photos of fabulous girls I was
out with. It was a great night. We bowled and drank cocktails; we reminisced
and ate deep fried food; we talked outfits and flights for the wedding. And as a sign of any great night, the journey
home night was a blur.
The following morning, hungover
and clutching my travel mug with two precious shots of coffee, I got off the
train and joined the sea of suits, polished shoes and laptop bags moving across
London Bridge. It suddenly occurred to me there was nothing wrong with strict
routine and tight schedules. I loved my life the way it was – busy and planned
with the military precision. As long as I made time to escape to my own Shoreditch
now and then where I could switch off and not think or wear City. I texted my friend
immediately and made plans for that weekend.
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